Thursday, April 17, 2008

3rd Thursday! Pony Up Your Poems!

Happy 3rd Thursday of National Poetry Month! Today is the day we offer up our own poems for use in next week's patchwork poem round. All week, from today until next Tuesday, you are invited to post a link to the poem of your choice for use in creating a brand new cento, or patchwork poem.

Today is also National Poem in Your Pocket Day! If you choose to participate in this very cool "holiday," why not post a link to the poem you plan on carrying around all day! Are you just going to carry it around, your secret poem? Share it with friends and family? Perhaps stand on a street corner and recite it for passers-by? Maybe you're going to make copies and pass it out for other people to carry around in their pockets? Whatever you do, let us know!

Now, get out there and share the poetry!


gautami tripathy said...

Last time I was late! THis time, no!

Here is what I offer:
pit of your spit

lissa said...

my "poem in your pocket" is here

for patchwork poetry - here's my offer: our muse

Christine Swint said...

Here's mine, a poem I wrote today!
about a man and a dog

When I read today's post I thought of Gollum saying, "what has it got iin its pocketses?"

paisley said...

havent got one on the tip of my tongue.. so i will hold of and see what rolls in....

Anonymous said...

cgliaLet me throw some phoenix tears into the patchwork!


writerwoman said...

Sinking ships

There's mine.

jillypoet said...

Here's mine...

Beloved Mother

Anonymous said...

I wanted to tell you guys that I wrote my patchwork poem. The post will be up on Thursday, but I won't be able to link it here (probably),
because I'm going out of town, and will probably not bring my computer.

so, you won't hear back from me until Monday, unless I do decide to lug my laptap through the airport. Not fun.

I loved all your poems. It was a real treat to have so many lines to choose from and integrate into a new poem. Thanks! I'm still loving the cento.

And Jill's going to write an article about them on rwp. Great!

writerwoman said...

I've written mine so if anymore come in I won't be able to incorporate them into my poem. Thanks for the inspiration everyone.